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A Dancing Star

"I'll be quite as a mouse and unrecognized

It's the ever ending story

of my Blurred Vision Mind"


"Blurred Vision Mind"



"ZEM en CONCERT" Cd/Dvd Ecoutez-Ici BOOK ZEM

"The sun is zooming in

Meltdown expected,

The wheat is growing thin

Engines stop running,

But I have no fear"


born on AUG 21 in 1952

"Du musst Chaos in dir haben,

um einen tanzenden Stern zur Welt zu bringen."

(You must have chaos inside you

to give birth to a dancing star)

Friedrich Nietzsche,

left us on Aug 25 in 1900

Pour le courrier personnel quotidien avec la version originale (non coupé et non censuré)

vous pouvez rejoindre le TEMPLE de ZEM

Regardez le nouvel aperçu Ici


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